...there are many more fun terms used in the sport of Curling?
...a bonspiel is a competition between curling teams. Usually teams pay to enter and are awarded cash prizes if the place well. At least three games and an evening meal for participants is usually included in the entry fee and sometimes entertainment is provided, as well. In smaller towns, businesses often donate many door prizes in addition to trophies and/or prizes for the top teams.
...a funspiel is like a bonspiel, except special scoring and playing rules are created to enable all teams, regardless of ability, the chance to win. Funspiels are often organized to raise dollars for charitable causes. It's not unusual for someone who's never curled in their life, to participate in a 'funspiel'
...stepping into the hack is not slipping on a gob of mucous. The hacks are toe holds, usually rubber, that are frozen into the ice at each end of the sheet. By putting one foot in the hack, the curler is able to push off when throwing the rock. Good curlers will know how hard to push out of the hack so the rock goes as far as is needed to end up where the skip wants it. Normal curlers sometimes use the arm to push the rock rather than the leg. This makes it more difficult to control the speed and direction of the rock. *sigh*
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