Entries in St. Paul Alternate Education Centre (1)


"The Traz" touches the lives of teens

4th January... Eileen Schuh's novel The Traz is reaching into the lives of at-risk teens throughout Northern and Western Canada. Last month,  Schuh used her novel to teach the importance of decision-making to at-risk youngsters at the North Slave Young Offenders Facility and the SideDoor Youth Centre in Yellowknife, North West Territories.  She is preparing a similar presentation for students enrolled in the St. Paul Alternate Education Centre (SPAEC) in her home town of St. Paul, Alberta.  

"In mid-January I'll be speaking to the SPAEC youth about taking control of their lives, making good decisions, and seeking out the resources and information they need to create and attain their dreams," says Schuh.  "All of us need to feel empowered and sometimes just having someone tell us we 'can' is enough to encourage us to take that leap of faith in ourselves."

The Traz is a novel about 13-year old Katrina who choses to ride for a year with a biker gang--a decision that will forever haunt her.


Schuh will also be presenting at Literacy Day Celebrations at 12:30 pm Saturday, 28 January 2012 in the Multi-Purpose Room in St. Paul.  Enjoy a free lunch and hear her speak about literacy, her books, and her life as an author.  In addition to speaking, she will be on hand from 11 am to 2 pm to autograph/sell her books.