Hi Eileen, Congradulations on your new book deal! It sure sounds interesting I cann't wait. Thanks for the Christmas letter I am tring to find you on facebook to see all these weddings.. it seems to go like that now you may not be invited to one for 10 yrs. or more. Congradulation too on being a Grandma time two! YOu got me beat. Jennifer is being a realtor in Edmonton now. We are going to Victoria on Boxing day to visit Jules relatives. Hope to see you on facebook or e-mail me.

Thank you, Dennis, for visiting my website and inviting me to yours. I did visit and left you a comment.

You have a wonderful website. Please read mine.

Those fans, friends, and family wishing to sign my guest book, please scroll down through the messages until you find the box "Create a New Post". Type in your message. Once you are done, click the button "Create Post" that is below the box.
As I'm the only one that can edit my website, if you need to make changes after your message is posted, email me and I will make any changes you wish.
Eileen Schuh, Author
"Schrodinger's Cat"

Thanks, Laura. It always gives me an electrifying tingle to realize people are reading what I write. Feedback is a must for writers--often it's our only reward. Thank you so much for your compliments and support.

Eileen thanks so much for inviting me to visit you here and am so glad I did. It's so nice to hear more about you personally as well AND I'm impressed ! Hugs,

Hostgator, Hadassah, Remington, what lovely comments. Thanks so much for visiting.

I obviously have some Russian fans. I found my translation button and see your comments are about back pain and rennovating apartments. Even though this isn't the best spot for you to market your businesses, I thank you, Lakeneets. preomeimpax, NittyNeab,for visiting.
(The web is just so cozy I don't have the heart to delete the Russian. I looks kinda cool amidst all the English praises. No?)

Thanks, Miguel Oliveira from Portugal. Hope all is swell across the Atlantic.

nice stuff here, very very nice

Hi Eileen! Great to connect with you on Facebook. Thanks for stopping by my site as well. I loved the excerpt from "Noraebang," best of luck with the publishing journey! :) -Hadassah

HI awesome forum glad to be here:)

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I liked your homepage very much, indeed!
Best wishes from Portugal!
Miguel Oliveira

Thank you for the compliments. As I relate in the article, when I was younger I, too, found psychopaths fascinating. These days, though, I much prefer interacting with beings who have souls.

The character of the psychopath in your recent articles is very intriguing. I find him and the way the narrator handles him to be particularly interesting. Characters like him who are master manipulators are always so fascinating in the way they influence people. He reminded me a little bit of the character of Benjamin Linus on the tv show Lost. Quite interesting.

Thanks, for visiting, Joylene
Compared to the weather we sometimes have in November in Alberta, we're not doing too badly. I wouldn't leave my door open, though!

You have a lovely site, Eileen. And what a beautiful baby. Thank you for stopping by my blog today and commenting on Charles' article. Much appreciated. Hope you're experiencing nice weather today. We have our front door open and a warm breeze is sweeping through the house.

Juanita, thank you for visiting. I'm flattered by your compliment!

Thanks, Margie, for visiting. Great to be in touch again.