Contest Trivia

Did you know...
... earth has a life form similar to the intelligent, interconnected tree on the planet Pandora in the movie Avatar?
... aspen trees are not technically trees?
... aspen "forests" are often a single plant, with hundreds or thousands of stems that we call "trees"?
... these aspens may be the largest living things on Earth? (some mushrooms may be bigger)
... cybernetics predicts that a living network sufficiently large may spontaneously achieve "intelligence"?
Thank you to Gerald Weinberg, author of EARTH'S ENDLESS EFFORT for sharing this intriguing and slightly unsettling trivia. Thanks for helping me celebrate the upcoming release of my first book, SCHRÖDINGER'S CAT. Jerry is also generously offering a copy of his book as a prize in the contest.
Click on the green word comment/s below this posting and leave your name in order to be entered to win one of the many prizes being offered by my author friends.
For more information on Jerry and his books visit:
You will also find purchasing information and links to Kindle, B&N, and Smashwords and to all his eBooks.
Print books can be found on Amazon Store:
Earth's Endless Effort
LAFE doesn't live in the forest. LAFE is the forest. LAFE's size and thousands of years of experience provide the wisdom to survive. When a pipeline project threatens to slice LAFE's brain, LAFE seeks the aid of Daphne DeFreest. But first they must heal her broken body and find a way to communicate. Then Daphne must find the love of her life, and they all must cope with their common enemies.
This is their story.
Reader Comments (3)
Love the idea of the book and thanks for the trivia! I had no idea!
Mushrooms bigger than trees? My goodness... that interests and terrifies me. lol
Thanks for the information - very interesting!
Thanks for visiting, Renita and Sarah. Your names are in the hat for the draw/s. Perhaps this is the book you will win.