Contest Trivia

Did you know...
...authors have innovative ways of choosing names for their characters? The lecherous PI character Winston Chambers, in the bestselling romantic suspense LANCELOT’S LADY by author Cherish D’Angelo, was named by one of Cherish’s blog readers during her “Create a Corpse” contest.
Win a copy of LANCELOT"S LADY and read all about Winston and Lancelot and his lady! Leave a comment below to be entered to win one of three Lancelot's Lady ebooks. Increase your chances to win by visiting Cheryl at
Draw date to be announced.
Cherish (aka Cheryl) invites you to visit her website at
Thanks, Cherish, for this trivia and for sponsoring prizes in celebration of the upcoming August release of my very first novel SCHRÖDINGER'S CAT.
LANCELOT'S LADY prizes are only available to those who comment on Cherish's trivia.
Honour all my Trivia contributers with a comment. Each time you do so, your name will be entered to win multiple books. Also, visit the authors' home pages to double your chance of winning!
Reader Comments (8)
Arlyn Roycraft
I always thought that the obits in the news papers had some interesting names.
Vijay Ellaurie
Maybe by their personality n character profiles...
James K. Burk
Any number of ways, depending upon the importance of the character. If I'm using a particular nationality as a base, I check those names. I don't always advertise. The few names that appear in THE TWELVE are eastern European for the sout...herners and Greek for the others. In HIGH RAGE, I used Turkish names for the mountain people, Latinate for others and Gaelic for still others. Short of inventing a language, it provides a degree of consistency in names. When I'm casting a wider net, I like going to phone books, which have yielded some great stuff. And sometimes I just like names that sound good.
Aaron Lehman
I use names that suit the culture I'm writing about. Raymond is a common local Aboriginal first name so that is the name of the main character in Mystery. No last names. They could be names of former students!
Eileen Schuh
Thanks for your comments.
I like to choose short names for my main characters as I have to type them so often! lol If I do choose a long name, the character quickly gets a short nickname! In my BackTracker series, the heroine Katrina is called "girl" by the other main character, Shrug. ( Shrug thinks he calls her 'girl' to belittle her....little does he know about that 'typing' thing of mine)
Jackie Fairbrother Robinson likes this..
Naming my characters is one of my favorite thingx to do!!!
I will keep this in mind when we decide to have a second child and can't agree on names lol