Did you know...
...Gan Palace is the Zhuang name for the stunning YiLing Caves in the scenic karst mountains surrounding the southern city of Nanning in China's Guang-Xi Zhuang Autonomous Region? It means "Place as beautiful as a palace."
YiLing Caves or "Gan Palace"
YiLing Caves or "Gan Palace"
Thank you to author, Donna Carrick, for this trivia and the photos. Donna's novel THE FIRST EXCELLENCE takes place in China.
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Be sure to visit Donna's website and leave a comment mentioning this contest to double your chances to win.
Donna is offering both a copy of her novel THE FIRST EXCELLENCE and her hubby, Alex Carrick's book THREE SCOOPS IS A BLAST as prizes. Stay tuned for more prize details.
The First Excellence, “An exquisitely-crafted saga of one person’s search for her roots set against a clash of cultures.” ~ The Sherbrooke Record, February 18, 2011a
Reader Comments (1)
Thanks for the chance, and congratulations on getting your book published! I enjoy books on the Asian culture. Please count me in. Thanks!
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com